أَهْلًا وَسَهْلًا

/ʔah.lan wa.sah.lan/ | interjection | Arabic

University of Pennsylvania graduate with a BA in Cognitive Science and minor in Design. Currently seeking full-time product design opportunities!

about me

I’ve been in love with the design process for as long as I can remember.

When I was six, I’d spend the first Saturday of every month at Home Depot’s kids building workshop, making wooden birdhouses and toy boats.

In middle school, I’d strip common electronics of their parts to unveil how they worked under the hood. I would then attempt to repurpose the parts for my own projects, like a model airplane made out of cardboard and motors from my mom’s (once functioning) blow dryer.

In high school, I started STEAM club to showcase the intersectionality of art and design within STEM through interactive crafts, like a steam powered put-put boat made of a soda can. I also joined the STEM Scholars program at the Franklin Institute, and made a 3D printed telescope that used Raspberry Pi to take pictures– published video here.

In college, I discovered the importance of UX for an evolving digital landscape. I learned about the parallels between human psychology and great design, and started redesigning my favorite apps and sites for fun.

It was through these experiences that I learned how the design process is crucial in making effective and successful products. My values as a UX Designer are deeply rooted in empathy, collaboration, and inclusion. I believe good design should serve the marginalized by considering diverse perspectives informed by individual experiences.


Product Designer

UX Designer

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
UX Designer

UX Design Intern


⭐ Home improvement & backyard

⭐ Aerial photography / chasing
sunsets with my drone

⭐ Pizza undercarriage that looks just
like that

Product Designer